This is page 1 of 4 of Misogynistic quotes and sayings.
This is a collection of sexist and often unintentionally misogynistic quotes. We definitely do not approve of what these people have said or written. This collection of quotes is meant to simply document the unfortunate attitudes and prejudices that women have had to confront in their struggle for equality.
I don't think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing. -- Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II of England. It's probably a good thing that British Monarchs can no longer decapitate their spouses.
These are rare attainments for a damsel, but pray tell me, can she spin? -- King James I of England, upon being introduced to a woman who was fluent in Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
Even when our Mother Eve (the fairest of her daughters) was given the best man ever made, she chose a devil for a confidant and treated the salvation of her race as a matter for a bargain counter, vainly decidig that she could get something better than Paradise from the advance agent of the other shop. -- Thomas C. Robson (1912).
The Biblical story of the Fall has often been used to describe women as somehow morally inferior. The above quote, with its Misogynistic overtones, is typical of an attitude that existed in the Victorian era and into the twentieth century. But it seems to me that if Eve gave into a supernatural tempter, perhaps Satan himself, she was up against a pretty mighty foe. Adam, took the fruit on his own. And while he might blame Eve, he seems to have been the morally weaker of the two. After all he did not have to go up against the Great Seducer.